Choose the Perfect Car Wash Machine to Run a Successful Car Wash Business

Does your car cleaning business need acceleration? Manmachine will help your business run like a victor. They have suitable devices for different types of car wash business . These automatic or semi-automatic car wash machines will let you clean multiple cars in short time. You may even find a suitable car-washer for your mobile car-cleaning business. Small-to-Medium Sized Business The semi-automatic HRC PRO and HRK PRO car washers are perfect for small-to-medium sized business owners. These machines owe their powerful performance to Annovi Reverberi pump. HRC PRO will let you clean 20-25 cars daily and HRK PRO will let you clean 34-40 cars daily. The extra-thick ceramic piston increases the durability of the pump and enhances its performance. The deeper fins quickly lower the pump’s temperature and let it function for longer period. Its lance is made of stainless steel for durability. The rubber sheath around the lance provides excellent grip. It will let you cle...