Ultimate Paint Protection with Ceramic Car Coats

The car’s surface endures elemental force as well as scratches and dents from the accidents so over time you will need to maintain it to ensure the good looks. A better and easier way is to use high-quality paint protection especially designed to withstand external attacks on the car paint surface. Today, technology recommends the use of clear ceramic coat such as Opti Coat offering better resistance to elemental damage with optimal paint protection. This works as permanent protection related to all types of factory paint and you can apply this upon exterior hard plastic, metal, and glass surfaces as well. Like the other available market products, this does not have any resemblance to sealant or wax. Instead, it shows similarities with clear factory type coats. Single layer of the coat has approximate measurement of 2ยต in thickness. This is about 100 times higher than the conventional sealant or wax. This car coating is different from sealants for paint protection as GlassPl...