
Showing posts with the label Car Waxing& Polishing

DIY CAR DETAILING: How to Wax and what should be the Frequency?

Car Detailing No doubt, it might appear like counter-intuitive in the beginning. Regular car wash and waxing is the best way to add life to the vehicles. These processes even help you to ensure that the paint stays shiny and bright for years in the future. There are people who have a belief that frequent wiping and washing off will hamper the paint of the car and after sometime it will surely wear down faster. But let me clear you that, this is not the reality. The most important thing that decides the life of car paint is the quality of the car detailing products. Quality always matters, and along with it the experience of the professional also counts. As long as you are using the best quality products and experts are handling the car detailing task, trust me, they will surely add more years of togetherness between you and your possession.  While most of the population washes off their car very frequently but there are drivers who don’t go for waxing. In fact, car wa...

Top 5 DIY Car Detailing Tips:

It is always preferred to take your car to the doorstep of professional car detailers for better caring and safety of car paint from any damages. There are times when the car owners need to perform instant DIY hacks for car cleaning in place of giving the car in hands of professionals. Car detailing doesn’t have to be done by staking the budget of your pocket. Using easily available cleaning products and following certain 5 auto detailing tips and hacks, you can easily maintain the car, its cleanliness along with interior car cleaning and exterior car cleaning.  Car Detailing Trust me, you don’t need to be an auto expert or should have an affinity for cars to know the basics of car cleaning. This blog presents certain DIY car detailing hacks that anyone can handle easily, instantly and with less expense. CAR POLISHING:  Car Waxing& Polishing car waxing and car polishing is different Average section of the population think that car waxing and car...