How Important Are Opti Coat and Car Detailing Services

Keeping your car in a new looking state for years and years can get tricky. What most people do not realize is that just washing it regularly and oiling it doesn’t get the job done. There are many who think that wax coatings on their car increases the life span of the paint however there is another option that works better. Opti coat is a ceramic coat similar to factory ceramic coats. This can be done through any kind of car detailing services providers. A single layer of Opti Coat is round 2 microns thick, around 100 times thicker than your regular wax coatings. Unlike other type of coating that degrades over time Opti coat stays intact. The coating doesn’t degrade and cannot be washed away. When you apply wax coating, on the car’s exteriors the finish is not smooth and the scratches show. However, with Opti coat you don’t have to worry about that for one bit. Opti coat cannot be washed off using chemicals such as caustic degreasers. Thus, opti coat is a great choice for c...