Formal Introduction to CAR PPF: Something to Be Possessive About Your Love

Going to get a new car?

Want it to look young forever?

Want it to shine bright forever just like the day you purchase?
In order to happen all these, your vehicle needs to have add-on protection, something guarding it against any external forces of the environment which decimate the appearance of your vehicle. Not sure, have you heard of car paint protection film or something known as clear bra.  Even if you know about the car PPF, I know the provided details are fuzzy. Well, The Detailing Mafia brings you a formal introduction of this car protective layer. Here is what you need to know about the “CAR PPF.”

What CAR PPF does for the car?

The automotive protective shield is demanded by various names in car detailing market: clear mask, clear bra, clear wrap, scratch protective film, self-healing sheet, and many others.  The most popular term used for this shield is car paint protection film or clear car PPF. This blog uses these two names interchangeably.

This paint protection film is applied to the car body professionally. Either you can wrap up the complete car with this clear coating or can use segment wise depending on your need and pocket size. Installation of car PPF keeps the car looking younger and shiny for long. This is one-liner to define the need of getting your car this protective layer.  It is the most comprehensive form of protection you can create between your car and all the factors that can easily damage your appearance of a car. Because of the high impact resistance of the car paint protection film, its application will shield your vehicle paint from stone chips and minor scratches caused by dirt, dust. Grimes, washing errors and road debris. 

The clear urethane film is highly resistant to any corrosion and acidic contaminants, explaining that it forms a thin line of protection from the chemical etching and stains caused by bird droppings, mineral deposits, acid rain, and bug splatter. It does not oxidize with sunlight exposure and will protect your auto paint from easily fading caused by the direct exposure of UV rays. The very top layer of the quality clear film is crafted up of the elastomeric polymers which return to the natural shape after completely being stretched, adding the film an add-on “self-healing” feature. That explains when the light scratches are inflicted over the film, it completely absorbs any caused damage and returns back to the same texture and defined properties as it had before the particular incident.

Now, let’s remember, while the car PPF is powerful and when talking about its benefits then it's numerous, it is not a cure for all sort of issues when it comes to maintaining your cars shiny. I guarantee you that no protection or shielding product is going to make car bulletproof. There is a critical time when rock chips can hamper the clear film. After professional application of the car paint protection film, still, you will have to get your car washed at regular interval time. 

There is no one-stop-destination and solution to perfect and never-ending gloss. That’s not exactly what a car PPF promises. Rather, it promises that after proper application, when any external forces fight against the clarity and depth of the car’s paint, the painted surface will fight back. You will indirectly add value to the car by protecting it from any sort of damage you could not have prevented otherwise. In the layman words, this paint protection film keeps your love looking younger for longer.

The Technology Behind “Car Paint Protection Film”
Car Paint Protection Film
If you are going to wrap up something around the new car, like me you might be interested in knowing where it came from and what exactly it is. Let’s talk a bit more about what’s exactly inside the sheet of car PPF. The main ingredient of the film is urethane, a powerful and say versatile polymer crafted from carbamate links. As a compound, it has many unique attributes such as It is lightweight, transparent, durable like plastic. But unlike plastic, it is not that brittle or says susceptible to any sort of tears and cracks. 

It has better resistance to environmental impact, harsh abrasion, and corrosion. Along with it, it is incredibly flexible, and can easily return back to the natural shape after being disfigured.

Yellowing of Car PPF:

After being applied properly, car PPF is invisible to any of the naked eye and does not highlight the clarity of the factory painted surface. But what exactly about over time? If you’ve done research, you might have encountered the individuals documenting the defects which have appeared in the transparent paint protection film after a certain time frame. In particular, some of the people who have bought an after-market car ppf have noted blistering, yellowing and peeling. For you to take an informed decision, it’s important to understand what’s exactly behind each of the mentioned issues and what you can do to avoid them. An early issue against the car paint protection film is it starts to turn yellow over a time period which directly affects the appearance of the car. When you are an owner of a white car, you need to be much particular about it.
Paint Protection Film
After thorough researching, the reason, car paint protection film manufacturing firms found that this specific yellowing effect turns out from adhesive which was used to firmly bind the film to the outer surface of the body. The direct sunlight oxidizes the adhesive that leads to discolouration of the film. Now after researches, the alternative of the film has been discovered which is acrylic adhesives. This composition is easily available in today’s car PPF. This freshly developed adhesive is highly UV resistant, and will not easily oxidize or discolour. 

Want to know much more about Car PPF and related price, we break down the factors directly involved in the pricing. Dial 80-100-44000 or visit to know more about us.


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